Our Mission is to:
- Present the Gospel clearly and in a way that is accessible to each individual and give them the opportunity to respond to the Gospel.
- Challenge the young people to become like Jesus and support them as they grow in their faith
- Equip them for God’s service by teaching them how to serve and provide them with relevant resources and opportunities.
Our Values are:
- We value the Bible as the Word of God, having absolute authority. For this reason we aim to give exposure to God’s Word at each group.
- Prayer is vital to each activity because we recognise our dependence on God.
- We value workers and their service with young people; they are accountable to each other to the Elders of the Church. They should be properly resourced in terms of equipment, training and support.
- We recognise the need for each worker to lead a holy life.
- We endeavour to see children and young people as God sees them, we therefore care for them by:
Providing a loving and safe environment
Establishing boundaries
Taking into account their individual circumstances
Demonstrating God’s love
Godly projects should be funded in godly ways. We should be good stewards and generous with what we have.
- We recognise the need for a structure that allows children and young people to develop spiritually.
- We recognise the importance of regularly reviewing what we do and how we do it.
The Elders (Leadership) of Fullbridge Church, recognise the importance of its ministry and are committed to the protection and safeguarding of children and young people and other vulnerable persons and our responsibility is to protect everyone entrusted to our care. We are specifically committed to the safeguarding of children and:
- We all acknowledge that children, young persons and vulnerable adults can be victims of neglect, physical, emotional and sexual abuse and have a responsibility to help prevent such harm happening and report any such abuse that is discovered or suspected.
- We believe every child should be valued, kept safe and happy and make sure that they know they can trust those who are looking after them and tell us if they are suffering harm by anyone.
- All children and young people have the right to be treated with respect, to be listened to and to be protected from all forms of abuse.
- We also recognise that we have responsibilities to those vulnerable adults who may come into contact with the Church and to help prevent any abuse that we suspect may be happening to them. We respect their personal dignity and rights and will ensure that all our policies and procedures reflect this.
- We believe that all adults should enjoy and have access to every aspect of the life of the Church, unless they pose a risk to the safety of those whom we serve.
- We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment of all those who will be working with children and/or vulnerable adults.
We are committed to:
- Following the requirements of UK legislation regarding the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and to following good practice recommendations.
- Implementing the requirements of legislation in regard to people with disabilities.
- To ensuring that Volunteers adhere to the agreed procedures of our safeguarding policy and to the recommendations and guidelines that may be established in the Code of Practice.
- Supporting the Safeguarding Co-ordinators and any others in their work to protect children and vulnerable adults.
- We are committed to supporting parents and families, so far as is reasonably practicable, and to support those in the Church who may have been affected by abuse in the past.
- We undertake to undertake any necessary safeguarding training and review this policy and guidelines regularly.
- Adopting and following the ten ‘Safe and Secure’ safeguarding standards developed by the Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS).
We also recognise that:
- The Children’s Social Services (or equivalent) has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a child.
- The Adult Social Care Services (or equivalent) has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a vulnerable adult.
- Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the police should be contacted as a matter of urgency.
- That safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and will ensure that all those who work with children on a regular basis have an Enhanced DBS Certificate and that those who are involved intermittently and do not have a DBS are properly chaperoned.
This Statement and policy and procedures will be reviewed annually.
If anyone has any concerns for a child or vulnerable adult then speak to one of the following who have been approved as Safeguarding Co-ordinators for this Church.
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Elder: Andrew Mugford
Children’s Safeguarding Deputy: Helen Chambers
Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Deputy: Philip Reeve
In the case of Disclosure and Banning Service (DBS) certification, speak to the Safeguarding Deacon Ann Frost.
A copy of the full policy and procedures is available from the Safeguarding Co-ordinator.
A Mugford
25 February 2016
On behalf of the Elders