Thought of the Week | The Eden Flower Show

By |2024-10-17T14:56:53+01:00July 21st, 2023|Blog|

Did you go to the Chelsea or Hampton Court Flower Shows this year? Julia and I were not fortunate enough to enjoy that privilege, but we were able to visit two local gardens: The delightful Friary Walled Garden and the splendid gardens at Beeleigh Abbey, which we both love. The Friary Walled Garden sits [...]

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Thought of the Week | The Art of Serving God

By |2024-10-17T14:56:20+01:00June 3rd, 2023|Blog|

Recently I was struggling to marry two, apparently opposing ideas: On the one hand our holy, eternal, almighty God (the great I Am) can, and often does, save people without any contact with believers, yet on the other hand He gives us all an imperative to be diligent preachers of the gospel message to [...]

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Thought of the week | Salt of the Earth

By |2024-10-17T14:55:53+01:00May 27th, 2023|Blog|

Wycke Hill industrial park, just off Spital Road, is home to an ancient thriving industry of international renown, currently owned by ‘The Maldon Sea Salt Company’. It is believed that sea salt was first produced in Maldon in the 3rd century AD by the Anglo-Saxons and it is recorded in the Domesday Book that [...]

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Anchor of my soul

By |2024-10-17T14:54:33+01:00May 27th, 2023|Blog|

Many years ago, one bright and beautiful summers day, I looked across the fields towards the promenade. The river itself was hidden from view but, beyond the trees, I saw the unmistakable russet billowing sails of a Thames Sailing Barge, gliding slowly along as if it were taking a stroll in the sunny park. [...]

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Join our ‘Sunday’ Service

By |2024-10-17T14:53:29+01:00October 8th, 2022|Blog|

We're meeting at the Church in person as well as streaming live on YouTube on a Sunday from about 10.25am. Live stream at Fullbridge Anyone wanting to come physically no longer needs to book their place, but if you have any questions, please use the form on our 'Contact Us' page or click on [...]

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Refugee & Migrant Crises

By |2024-10-17T14:52:37+01:00April 9th, 2022|Blog|

Refugee and Migrant Crises from Ukrainian and Hong Kong How can you help? Churches and community groups in this country are mobilising to form teams that can offer wraparound care to refugees, migrants, and host families. Fullbridge Church has registered its interest with Krish Kandiah at “Sanctuary Foundation”  – a charity who give [...]

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