Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6

Sunday Service today 15th September at 10.30am is at St Peter’s on the Wall, Bradwell.  The service will be led by Andy and Simon Prince will be speaking on Luke 18:18-30.

Autumn Home Groups this week
Relationships course– Wednesdays at the church with Ross & Bee
Grace course – Thursdays at the church with Rachel & Andy
How to understand the Bible better – Thursdays with Simon & Judy at their home
Normal home group – day and place to be confirmed.
Friday group will be meeting as usual.

SASRAOur Day event – Saturday 21st September at Grace Church Guildford, from 2.00 – 5.30. Scripture readers will share about their work ‘behind the wire’. There will also be opportunity to meet & hear from Christians currently serving in the military. For more information click here for their website SASRA DAY

September Sunday Mornings at 10.30am
15th At Bradwell – speaker Simon Prince on Luke 18:18-30. There will be no service at Fullbridge.
22nd Leaders Robyn & Grant, speaker Simon on Luke 18:35-43
29th Communion Service led by Ross & Bertie

Regular Events running in September
The Hub Tuesdays 9.30 – 1.00pm
Men’s Coffee Morning Wednesdays at the Oak House Maldon
Open Doors’ prayer meeting first Monday of the month 7.00-8.15pm
Zoom Prayer Meeting – Second Sunday in the month – 8.00-8.30pm
Youth Alpha First Sunday of the month
Noah’s Ark (pre-school children & their carers) Fridays 9.30 – 11.15am
Revival Prayer Meeting fourth Sunday of the month from 7.00-8.00pm at the church.
Ladies’ Walk Fourth Monday 10.00am meet at the church car park